Service Sourcing

Service Sourcing For Sponsors

With over 20 years in the CRO sector, we have an extensive network of reliable service providers and individual subject matter experts. For biotech and medical device companies, we believe such resource can come with financial and operational advantage over large full-service CROs. Our aim is to offer you choice from the best we know.

Subject Matter Experts
Whether you are just beginning to develop your plan or seeking to expand your research into new areas we can introduce you to the right experts anywhere in the world. This can be ad hoc consultancy, interim management, or permanent placements.

Service & Technology Providers
If you need to find a fully outsourced drug development solution, or a specific service provider we can introduce you to those we have vetted as reliable and cost effective. We save you time on vendor selection and find ways to do more with less so that you have plenty of runway for what comes next.